
The keys associated with this series may be compromised. It is recommended to peel and sweep the coins to a new, secure wallet. Hold assets on these keys at your own risk.

Coint Co New Lydian



0.03083412 BTC




0 (0.00%)


102 (99.03%)


1 (0.97%)


The Coint Co New Lydian coins are an artistic reinterpretation of the ancient Lydian coins.

The coins themselves deviated from what a typical collectible Bitcoin functions as - they contain no serials, no holograms, and no private keys.

Instead, the 0.0002 BTC loaded on each “coin” is actually loaded into the accompanying certificate of authenticity, which contains a 12-word BIP39 mnemonic seed phrase.

As such, all items within this collection should be considered compromised. The coins themselves have no BTC value, and anybody who has ever viewed the accopmanying certificate of authenticity would be able to retain access to the BTC value, even if the coin is subsequently sold with the certificate.

The stated mintage of the coins is 500, but only 103 have been funded from the Coint Co address. It is unknown how many were minted in total.

Two variants purpotedly exist - a full silver one, and one with gold plating. It is unknown whether the stated mintage of 500 is for each variant, or the total mintage of both variants combined.

View revision history
Serial Address TVL BTC TVL USD Funded At Redeemed At Status
No Serial 1135VzCkjVN16Ad551exSjY9SULqBmn5JC
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 123vrWkyjJbc9eiM2Adg7Ny4Kcg19rbpj3
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 12MScxHCtBNo15bSC6bPvvRjv4ViwjpPoK
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 12Pxr3XMV65FKeytXumXZR6qQ37KxsRXBK
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 12Y486o55B1ja96HNinHuD79d9F5S1H9Ki
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 13a7ErwU6gLsWEbB7PVGkLuViRnFZEnGp9
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 141jRRDqN3DiFL6g6tXMU1ShbNWATJCkAi
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 14PAyeqTHs17QTJJP6RPvdqGiMrx8PFZsq
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 14a7Vsij9313Qain1Awj7WNHepWx6BPDLv
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 14gXvYDQonLQyfacPNVAF83eZVEc14c9FW
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 14juPmfkiJiBTfJzpr4mrhkdPKF18zbce1
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 14nyK63QAqpJwsFQjy1HfGdfHdhTsJDXKw
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 14y6x7TeydJHn5KXoyVVGBtSV2edf7odVc
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 153y3VUHkC5xiaPus26wv2UNjNUScpgRU1
0.00202203 BTC $122.38 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 154HjHBJHsFhfLpb4z9VMqRVjmLcnv1zvu
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15AvDQno4hPhxKas6KbaZf5m7zvnScmWgB
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15Jc7GHEMiVWMJ8AiVfUqnQstweDZxM1c1
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15MafUX9biU7rb6gLmYpxGk2HtmM1CTUBy
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15W1iZXwVZFiz2kVtL5e3DKxoZXKpoXrTz
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15ens6m7zLwxKRC82zFL8ZPbA1qzizyQJ4
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15pghA3khGp5YGzWaHaz9oEJL99sQF4ZPK
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15vo2ZA8imbEB3QSNRUki9KoN9obG4gzrL
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 15zbLgPKHDvptSrDnJ6f3MfzE7NNyWj3pn
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 16BmRLZPp1wnkKh6qB4KGaM8KSfcfSsDMG
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 16D7PcXD3arYAaVhqekqSMjeb8Eq2vM3BB
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 16JzyD1buDJgBehJGyCMz6Syk1aUVWuMg8
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 16Q6QySXSgFBQew4GJrmB71UzeLhhnbYGK
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 16aeo7C49vntXHxoLf3vGy2WG7rm94i9Df
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 16f3o2uo8RY5ug1imWqD3JjERMd5NWJCiP
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 171t7BndvoM2yqYtKc43ufj8m5dKmTor48
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 17Qb1rLmCmMRkAD5fr47mWE5oEtL6Ngk8U
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 17c5yGu4e3UvJYswhLrxdEfxCs5SkTeKpf
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 17oaPWVapyWAyaceXr1BJ5XzTUE1EhbNfz
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 18AeZ15QRMTBhM4ep5tSG4g8koUGwebGGD
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 18HZ2aS1zGjRxsDAgDDYPBETKamtWSQLhj
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 18gT6T8iCHnjsKSoMTdV9z16L6ywER9XvJ
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 18tvbTDGQCWTgVWQwXs3i8ptcQV3ouciyY
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 19eTx9Juc6xJgegV5axRSMj8FBKbPR2sGZ
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 19ewXRrNXwUgCBCUQQmaGEW3s1KvhKeg98
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 19wfohH4gd13jczjuK4QtwjudWieWFYLgH
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1A1YutK36ZVj254PWRL8QAYKkDma3C8v8f
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1A64T1j7pDiGV6JmvLa3JtV5irmNouqJQd
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1Aekw65tUZQYd1U3jetjEiAFPYxDXhm3an
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1BJuTekDugspBtCCTupdXpt9HxFVvk1X6R
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1BMtTitWTrj8yGVAGXYuCXDhJiQLkttRmu
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1Bn5c7cc6ghqcL6LR74bRWPEEa4EM1puQw
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-12-01 19:41:50 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1BnGMGhBFz5RZvJ592Y5annSSexYNoRHPj
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1By3tEqkS3YK24pDon9iYqK3zssDgYVein
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1CB3bDZL87Axwi3SrQkuuosZKMVQ8dKbXg
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1CLSWF8LN5Eyw9EvH4Rk64tmCXsxmSZnx2
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1CfDQxbgH2GkxgDEawFtJX1BR2MNAe3vVN
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1CjrjqPn1U86vv1ASkfByGgZUb4ryLaGK2
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1Cz5swebTkL4Z8Dc3tR5Dy4EE6Y3BJ7Vuq
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1D7ze83xRj7efzzdbqxsPazi5tjhFCdgrj
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1DMHSoR1vD7TyUTm3um14Q4xictA1cTgkd
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1DjYAuGt1MySTsLXwaXY2u546DFWwwd6EP
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1EXjXjNeXoWV3emUhmz9ZEdix9r4wp32p1
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1EbVtdfRGdRnDuSzWDDAKF91tnvq9Vzee2
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1EjQYNVDZQ6RUX15GqNzu6r2qhN2Yi6Nez
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1EqaKbzDfmSaDPvc2jjgxt68XA6Evuprsb
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1FBRMJWDozP4JPif341y2144uAcdToomKw
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1FKSAavmBMqCEWwxUamSdm6L5Pzv4M82Fa
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1FU4jwgtqeFnSfvUjMAgdFXXMC9bB5Sbu9
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-12-01 19:41:50 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1GDZDqAhWR6rW1tpnLTg78287aP8wdVsYr
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1GP9aqtNPz4q27QL8AJ1ddf9SiViWzLAk6
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1GTmXAPC24amEXyMGUU4Yg8mE9tbW5zoja
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1GyeZZbKjTBgcUmWCa4NjNQPkF2Lso6f28
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1HBz8mHvTZ3orpNCVbgrULK9H7UhpY775o
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1HPxDdgfzJrd4VafuRzmGWxBn9AnxSVCHE
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1HQwDdGuVDkT7YSn4BxyTe6BcxTsD248VM
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1HVLRBN9ttpM1HzUoQ2ASsLSWkvQaFgtVc
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1HnZ2cqdQKgr7Y4tGz73tHpKpTKy1ocafh
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1HtM4m8vGecRNvGPFSbEhwkGDBXUYuJMah
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1J6kSEfjV8Vx7B4wiNS9Z5UZ3ThqCgfJpp
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1JT8PuH6xtDrPG23FQtT3Rymj6yjLAhEpJ
0.00201209 BTC $121.77 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1KEgQTVqHmojrb1ereQ2UgNE4dUcpjMwA7
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1KGTLS5aWaxjzTjP9zAtdALV74vgCZn2j8
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1KXzQkQnENzxCGLKfmaXfFMrzL5f7RyX54
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1KuvpHUb49bmfwru8ZWVgNFQv8zV2hEjtB
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1Kz6ehWkKXvf6P63AEkYJ2mZ3d1E49b4oS
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1LQuEoZ5S19ePXAsL5AhVFmLtitZd2GdBo
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1Li35gBcH2joD42xAZTbkyRT2YBcrsqmS8
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1Lq6an6UJYhx7J5pnL2YEnvEB3XqmYiA2
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1LqQKvL9mejqTMamGigKiic71MFwxpgNn7
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1MP5dmbwCkt6HWXdMsBDYFur3pLLcp7ufb
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1MYsFDRohVwWowdBsMdjMqi8HwJz8AJzfa
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1MrqMGQ453UdDejd3ksg5exESCm2MeGpWV
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1MvnmKdUg1EFfYP8tbDHCqQ2PL3Hkpy9Yp
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1MzcYSwDbCM5quFsGJWH9Wo6tMh644X57s
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-12-01 19:41:50 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1NBnXcyvstwwjs7bEzCtwuEiMMXvpkLmFt
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1NGYGyqbqGFaHjo2gUpa2J8CqdF5pvvXgW
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1NR1GVCwccEhLBUVELGxGL2jYKmQL6ax3q
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1NS58duxC1teNNCLR86vrWGB8fzETgXW5S
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1NfkfdcvaZNTwbaUyP3VDGnYrAH3nm9wJC
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1NgJu8kL34KMMoNPAik5hosuJWrVpdJrKX
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1P5TxLGiXGkUG86bukHRudTv39w9TXxUPi
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1PUD6W74idCfg5iqMFLKzYJLVSPBPe9L2g
0 BTC $0.00 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC 2023-11-30 05:20:49 UTC Redeemed
No Serial 1PdCArnGTtP1hVh9XaWSwDQu8hf82fQomq
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1PtinkX1s8jyF15bVuXb9ahp3GPLgbhFjp
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1Q1inpyrGkj78oZKRtZNyc8uXU1DhbYtV3
0.007 BTC $423.65 2022-08-05 09:09:58 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1RiuzukCKeVSUpCcv6AXhDZ8w6MdSZLr1
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1ggPgbWRPGTqk6zn4tU557M3gNJhEbkHQ
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed
No Serial 1sE1RfHUYQqSngdQmRcKQZPhm4fUDcpPb
0.0002 BTC $12.10 2022-09-14 11:14:47 UTC - Unredeemed